Monday, June 21, 2010

A guitar that tunes itself... Science fiction is reality...

via Guitar Noize by Jon on 6/21/10

Fret-King announce the Super-matic guitar featuring the Wilkinson ATD HD440 self-tuning bridge. There are presets that can be called up at the touch of a button as demonstrated in the above video - standard E, open G, DADGAD & open D or recalibrate to five additional ‘user created’ tuning presets.

The Wilkinson ATD™ self-tuning bridge, which has been under development by Trev and his team at ‘Auto Tuning Developments’ over many years, is a super low profile, real time electro-mechanical device utilising ultra hi-tech micro gearboxes, designed to retrofit unobtrusively in to a standard Strat® vibrato bridge rout, (or similar), with a micro hex pickup, controls small enough not to notice, and an intuitive one touch button controlling all the functions and features of this truly incredible device.

Invisibly incorporating the microprocessor control circuitry, the ATD™ bridge allows the player, with just one touch of the function button to automatically tune the Super-Matic™ to standard E-tuning. Tuning status is confirmed in the hi-visibility display, designed to be viewed whilst playing, and overall tuning is assured with the built in chromatic tuner.

Check out the Fret-King website for more info and photos.


Sound On Sound have posted a nice interview with Trevor Wilkinson from Summer NAMM 2010

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