You’ll learn in other guitar music lessons, that the ability for both your hands to work together simultaneously is vital. So when you realize that they’re not coalescing correctly, you have to place some blame and fix the problem.
If there’s a problem with your hands working together, try to pinpoint the culprit by slowing things down. Are you having trouble with your fingerings on the fret board or are you having trouble picking with your strumming hand. Learn what’s going on.
With most new guitarists, all the movements on the frets are sloppy and slow and will need extra work to develop. If you work on the strength in your fingers, you’ll definitely advance faster than some of your other guitar comrades.
So is there a fast way to strengthen the muscles in your fret hand and have them move at a faster rate? Most guitar music lessons might not know, but here’s just one of the exercises that you can try for this very purpose.
Let’s use five steps to strengthen our fret fingers and these are all about placing your fingers accurately...
1. Begin by putting your index finger on the first fret of the low ‘E’ string and your ring finger on the third fret of the ‘A’ string. Remember to bring both fingers down simultaneously, and then we switch positions. We put the index finger on the ‘A’ string of the first fret and the ring finger on the ‘E’ string of the third fret.
2. The next step is similar for the purpose of these guitar music lessons. Put your index finger back on the first string of the first fret, and this time place your ring finger on the ‘D’ string of the third fret as opposed to the ‘A’ string from before. Now switch their positions once again. Place your index finger on the ‘D’ string of the first fret and your ring finger on the low ‘E’ of the third fret.
3. With this step, do the same switching motion except, start your first finger on the first string and first fret and your third finger on the ‘G’ string of the third fret and then switch. The result should be your first finger on the ‘G’ string of the first fret and your third finger on the low ‘E’ string of the third fret.
4. You know the drill by now. Start with your first finger on the first string of the first fret and your third finger on the ‘B’ string of the third fret. Then place your first finger on the ‘B’ string of the first fret and your third finger on the first string of the first fret.
5. These guitar music lessons don’t have anything on you by now! The last step is to start with your index finger on the first string of the first fret and your third finger on the high ‘E’ string of the third fret. Then switch to your first finger on the sixth string of the first fret and your third finger on the first string of the first fret.
As a bonus tip to your practice, try to use finger picking as opposed to a guitar pick. If you start very slowly and develop accuracy first, everything else will fall into place much easier. Run through this exercise a couple times a week and you should definitely see some improvement during your next guitar music lessons.